What Else is Happening?
KIDZSaturday, May 21, 11-3pm
Your child will have a great time with us as they explore this truth: Jesus will always love us! Click on the Barn to learn more and register for HayDay 2022! FOR WOMEN & GIRLS OF ALL AGES!
Youth & Adults
One suggestion comes from our ECO denomination:
Through their Europe Initiative: Ukraine Appeal, The Outreach Foundation is partnering with Ukrainian churches to reach out to those affected by the fighting. In addition to serving as a shelter for people now homeless, these churches provide small stipends to people who need funds to travel to safety and help to buy food and supplies for families. |
We are familiar with Samaritan's Purse through the annual Christmas Shoebox Drive
Samaritan's Purse has deployed an emergency field hospital in Lviv and have plans for additional medical relief in the days to come. They have additional disaster response specialists on the ground in Poland, Romania, and Moldova. |